Hendes Første rolle var i TV-serien Beyond the Break. Hun medvirkede and 2008-katastrofen filmen spoof disaster movie like Lisa. Kardashian dukkede Op Hvordan jeg i Met Your Mother episode "ydelser. Hun villas BLIVE vist på Sæson 3 Premier and 90,210 serien med hendes søstre og Khloe Kardashian Kourtney Kardashian. De Villa spill SIG SELV. [6] Ifølge E! Kim gor om 5545 tusind dollars Arete.
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Kim Kardashian has used the Internet to inspire women, beauty and fashion tips.
Reality TV star who has millions of fans on his blog and Twitter pages, she is proud that so many people look to her for advice.
She said the Toronto Sun: "I do it for fun and entertainment offered beauty tips and fashion, so it's really amazing that people read it and follow it."
But the 30-year-old said that even afford that others will want to follow more closely.
"I hate it when women wear the wrong foundation color," she explained. "This may be the worst in the world when they wear their makeup too light."
She added that the stain paper or powdered her must-have item.
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